Annual Meeting Learn More


Resolutions in Central District Conference

Resolutions are tools intended to:

  • Educate
  • Build consensus
  • Provide a conference understanding, while acknowledging dissenting voices
  • Provide a foundation for member advocacy to government

In order to facilitate the development of resolutions in CDC, the Board of Directors has affirmed a process for Developing Resolutions adapted from the MC USA guide for developing resolutions. We also have a Resolutions Committee whose role is to write proposals in the correct form and facilitate the process of presenting resolutions to the congregations for their discernment.

If your congregation has a resolution you would like to present to the delegates at the annual meeting, please send a copy of your proposal to each of the members of the Resolutions Committee listed below and the conference office on or before March 15. This will allow the committee to have time to process the resolution and distribute it to CDC congregations in a timely manner so they will have time for processing and discernment before the annual meeting in June.

Resolutions Committee

Kiva Nice-Webb
Kiva Nice-Webb
Chicago Community Mennonite Church
Rich Preheim
Rich Preheim
Hively Avenue Mennonite Church
Jeff Boehr
Jeff Boehr
Lima Mennonite Church
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