Annual Meeting Learn More


Tim Lind
Tim Lind
Florence Church of the Brethren Mennonite
Doug Luginbill
Doug Luginbill
First Mennonite Church Bluffton
Conference Minister
Emma Hartman
Emma Hartman
Faith Mennonite Church
Conference Administrator

This committee shall consist of the Treasurer (ex-officio), Administrator (ex-officio), and additional members appointed by the Board of Directors. Additional members shall be appointed for three-year terms.

  • Recommend financial policy and direction to the Board of Directors which includes: management of funds, bookkeeping, auditing procedures, salary levels,formulating the annual spending plan, and monitoring conference income and expenses.
  • Create and manage a long-range development plan
  • Develop and promote a vision of stewardship for the conference and link with denominational resources to meet that vision in the local congregations.

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