Annual Meeting Learn More

Ministerial Committee

Brian Bolton
Shalom Mennonite Congregation
Gayle Gerber Koontz
Assembly Mennonite Church
Ruth Guengerich
Eighth Street Mennonite Church
Matthew Yoder
Grace Mennonite Church
Kevin Chupp
Mennonite Church of Normal
Robin Walton
Robin Walton
Columbus Mennonite Church

This committee shall consist of six members, at least three of whom shall be pastors. Two shall be elected each year for a term of three years. The Conference Ministry staff will serve as ex-officio member(s).


  • It shall be the duty of the Ministerial Committee to be available to churches and pastors in their church-pastor relationship, offering their counsel, support, and service as needed.
  • The committee shall counsel with congregations seeking pastoral leadership with pastors called to serve congregations in the District. In cooperation with congregations they shall examine candidates for pastoral, chaplaincy, and missionary service, grant licenses, and perform ordinations (see A Mennonite Polity for Ministerial Leadership or MC USA webpage for procedures), and assist in a service marking the beginning of a person’s ministry.
  • The committee shall provide opportunities for personal growth and professional improvement for pastors.
  • The committee shall give attention to the call and nurturing of Anabaptist leadership. It shall link with the MC USA Ministerial Leadership and Congregational Life Team.
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