Annual Meeting Learn More

Board Of Directors

Jan Lugibihl
Jan Lugibihl
Chicago Community Mennonite Church
Joel Miller
Columbus Mennonite Church
Christine Guth
Eighth Street Mennonite Church
Tim Lind
Tim Lind
Florence Church of the Brethren-Mennonite
Brian Johnson
North Danvers Mennonite Church
Melissa Florer-Bixler
Raleigh Mennonite Church


Lydia Brenneman
Lima Mennonite Church

The Board of Directors manages the affairs of Central District Conference. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Serves as custodians, or investors, of surplus or reserve funds  
  • Meets as needed to consider and act upon Conference matters that need attention between Conference sessions  
  • Fills vacancies as they occur in the Conference organization or on committees and boards  
  • Keeps informed of the various phases of the work of Conference and its auxiliary organitztions with a view of correlating and facilitating those activites in such ways as may be feasible  
  • Appoints auditors to audit the books of the Conference and its auxiliaries  
  • Has general superivision of the publication work, and appoints to editor of the Conference publication
  • Determines the size, nature, frequency, and appearance of the Conference publication, subject to the approval of the Conference
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