Vision Statement
God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ, and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as communities of grace, joy and peace, so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.
Mission Statement
The mission of Central District Conference is to know Christ’s abundant love in who we are and how we live, and to answer God’s persistent call to share that love with one another and the world by:
- Promoting a Christ-like community of hospitality where grace-filled relationships flourish, and patience and generosity are practiced,
- Calling and nurturing wise, dynamic and compassionate Anabaptist leadership,
- Supporting missional partnerships that make God’s reign visible and fostering ministries of evangelism, peace, healing and hope.
Mennonite Church USA
Mennonite Church USA is an Anabaptist, Christian denomination with roots in the Radical Reformation of 16th-century Europe. It is the largest Mennonite denomination in the United States with 16 conferences, approximately 530 congregations and 62,000 members. MC USA is part of Mennonite World Conference, a global faith family that includes churches in 86 countries.
Central District Conference
Central District Conference came into being when two member conferences of the General Conference Mennonite Church, Middle District and Central Conference, integrated in 1957.
The history of Central District Conference can be found in Faith in Ferment: A History of the Central District Conference by Samuel Floyd Pannabecker and Walking Together in Faith: The Central District Conference 1957-1990 by Elaine Sommers Rich.