Anabaptist Faith Formation A list of faith formation resources from Mennonite Church USA.

New four part worship series on wisdom
Links from April Faith Formation Conversation
Simpler alternatives to Vacation Bible School
Objects and practices for preparing children for worship
“Taste the Story” from Building Faith, for PreK children
Messy Church “Olympics” for a one time event
Sex, Tech, and Faith book (author is Presbyterian Church USA)
Messy church Intergenerational Pinterest
Wild Church Network (be discerning about the affiliations of some Wild Churches)
Lifelong Faith Formation, John Roberto- website with a lot of resources and ideas for curriculum
Long document on that site with some philosophical underpinnings to practical ideas
Shalom Readers from Central Plains Mennonite Conference
Facebook groups
Hope4CE Facebook group, for progressive Christian communities
Stuff You Can Use Youth Ministry Facebook group– affiliated with GROW curriculum which is evangelical but lots of tips and tricks and support for all kinds of ministry all over the spectrum
Seminary Book Exchange Facebook group
Spiritual Direction
Mennonite Church USA Spiritual Directors List
Great Lakes Regional Mennonite Spiritual Directors has an active Facebook page (
Other Worship Resources
Worship, Technology and the Shape of the Church – Video
A conversation for church leaders focusing on the changes in church life brought about by the pandemic, the use of hybrid worship, and other technologies.
- Music – Voices Together Resources
- Bread Making Meditation for Congregations
- Singing Salvation Story – Heilsgeschite in Song (pdf)
- Four week Wisdom worship series (pdf)
- Four week Wisdom worship series (docx)
Study Resources
- Journeys with God: a biblical curriculum from MEA. The aim of the curriculum is to invite children to become part of the biblical story. Listening to and participating in the stories of God’s people helps children build a firm foundation for faithful living as they move from shared/experiential faith toward a more mature and owned faith. The curriculum is designed to help children gain a sense of the Bible as a whole and how the Biblical narrative interacts with their lives.
- Radical Hospitality: Responding to the Issue of Immigration – Bible study from MC USA