Annual Meeting Learn More

Ministry Openings

Keller Park Church (KPC) in South Bend, Indiana, is seeking a part-time administrative assistant to assist the staff and board with the weekly administration of the church. The assistant need not be a member of KPC. To apply contact Keller Park Church at or 574 233 7901  Job Description

The Mennonite Church of Normal, a welcoming church, is looking for two Pastoral Team members, both positions are .25 FTE, to serve on a Team with the current full-time pastor. A Team member needs to possess a special gift for ministry in at least two of the following: outreach, worship, discipling, pastoral care, or administration. Responsibilities are divided among the Team members.

For more information or to apply, please contact:

Doug Luginbill, CDC Conference Minister
PO Box 1199
Goshen, IN 46527-1199, 419 296 4579

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