Annual Meeting Learn More


Central District Conference is an affiliation of 44 congregations from Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia.

Nine of our congregations are also affiliated with Illinois Mennonite Conference, Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference and Ohio Conference of Mennonite Church USA. Two of our congregations are affiliated with the Church of the Brethren. In addition, we currently have one New Faith Community: Asian Mennonite Community Church located in Lombard, Illinois, two congregations in the membership process, and three emerging congregations.

To expand the map, double click the broken rectangle in the right corner

Green: CDC East congregations – Ohio and Michigan
Purple: CDC Central congregations – Indiana and Michigan
Aqua: CDC South congregations – Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia
Orange: CDC West congregations – Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin
Pink: New Faith Communities – Asian Mennonite Community Church
Burgundy: Emerging Congregations – Moveable Feast, The Intention Church

Congregations by State

Church listing codes:
Congregation is a member of both Central District and Indiana-Michigan Mennonite conferences
** Congregation is a member of both Central District and Illinois Mennonite conference
*** Congregation is a member of both Central District and Ohio Mennonite conferences
**** Congregation is a member of Central District Conference and the Church of the Brethren
^Congregation is an Emerging Community of Faith








North Carolina




New Faith Communities

In Membership Process

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