Annual Meeting Learn More

Annual Meeting Schedule

Thursday, June 20

  • 2:00p – Registration begins at College Mennonite Church in the hall outside the fellowship hall
  • 3:00p – Listen! Wisdom is Calling with Sally Weaver Glick in the Koinonia Room
  • 5:00p – Pastor Appreciation Dinner in the Koinonia Room. Childcare available.
  • 7:30pWorship at College Mennonite Church in the sanctuary
  • 9:00p – Ice cream in the fellowship hall

Friday, June 21

  • 8:30aDelegate Session I
    • Welcome
    • State of Conference Address
    • Congregational Story:
    • ACTION: Review of 2023 Minutes
    • Treasurers Report and Presentation of 2024-2025 Spending Plan
    • ACTION: Presentation of 2024-2025 Slate of Nominees
  • Break
  • 10:15a
    • Committee Reports: Ministerial Committee, Missional Church Committee, Camp Friedenswald
    • Presentation of Provisional Membership Amendment to By-laws
    • Introduction of Peace Mennonite Fellowship
    • Introduction of Knoxville Mennonite Church
    • ACTION: Vote to receive St Louis Mennonite Fellowship
    • Dwelling in the Word
    • Introduction of Guests
    • Announcements
  • 12:00p – 1:30pLunch. A list of local restaurants is available here and in your delegate packet.
  • 1:30pDelegate Session II
    • Announcement of results of vote to receive St Louis Mennonite Fellowship
    • Worship/Plenary Session with Carol Penner
  • 3:15pBreak
  • 3:45p – Delegate Session III
    • MC USA Church Safety Presentation
    • Table Discussion
  • 4:50p – Stretch Break
  • 5:00pSeminars
    • Anabaptism at 500 with Gerald Mast and Lisa Weaver In Newcomer 19
    • Bluffton University with Doug Luginbill and Jane Wood in Koinonia Room
    • Seasons in the Life Cycle of Congregations with Celeste Groff In the Fellowship Hall
  • 6:00p Dinner in the dining hall or on your own. A list of local restaruants is available here and in the delegate packet

Saturday, June 22

  • 8:30aWorship at College Mennonite Church in the sanctuary
  • 9:30a – Break
  • 10:00aDelegate Session IV
    • Table Discussion – Missional Church Committee
    • Recognition of new credentials and deaths – Ministerial Committee
    • ACTION: Provisional Membership By-laws Amendment
    • ACTION: on the 2024-2025 Spending Plan
    • Open Mic
  • Closing
    • Listening Committee Report
    • Evaluations & Committee Nominations
    • Closing words from Board President
    • Closing Meditation and Songs
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