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Clergy Development Grant


The CDC Ministerial Committee administers Clergy Development Grants funded by the Leadership Development Scholarship Fund to assist credentialed CDC clergy in pursuit of resources for professional development.  Clergy are especially encouraged to consider the areas of anti-racism and dismantling patriarchy. Anyone with an active credential in CDC is eligible to receive a grant. Additionally, a credentialed leader whose ministry has ended is eligible to apply for up to one year following the ending of their ministry position.

Considerations for Applications

  1. All CDC congregations are encouraged to provide Continuing Education and/or Professional Development funds for their pastor(s). Congregations and clergy are encouraged to consult with the conference minister about development opportunities.
  2. The Clergy Development Grant is not intended to replace or preempt congregational support. Priority is given to applicants whose congregations are unable to fully fund development opportunities. Congregations are encouraged to provide financial support, as they are able, towards the requested development event. Any application that does not include how the congregation will provide financial support must clearly state that the congregation does not provide clergy development funding or that the funding is inadequate.
  3. Applications are submitted to the conference minister and considered by the CDC Ministerial Committee.
  4. Individuals are eligible for a grant of up to $400 per year. Primary consideration will be given to applicants who have not received a CDC Clergy Development Grant in the previous three years.
  5. A brief report from recipients about the use of funds is expected within a month of completion of the project. Reports shall be submitted to the Conference Minister.

Examples of Eligible Items

  1. Conferences, workshops, and seminars, including AMBS Pastors and Leaders Week or EMS School for Leadership Training.
  2. Programs designed for personal growth and enrichment
  3. Programs designed for developing ministry skills
  4. Personal spiritual retreats
  5. Spiritual direction
  6. Counseling services

Ineligible Items

Ineligible items include reference media like books, software, and equipment. The Clergy Development Grants are not intended for assistance with sabbatical costs unless a specific element of the sabbatical meets the above criteria.  Degree programs (BA, MDiv, MA, DMin, etc.) are not supported by the Clergy Development Grant.

Applicants for the Clergy Development Grant are expected to read and understand the Policy. Any questions should be directed to the Conference Minister. Applicants are also expected to clarify with their congregation or place of ministry what funds are available to them for the event/program for which the grant is being requested. Limited funds are available each year so requests will be considered in the order in which they are received.

Clergy Development Grant Application

Clergy Development Grant Application

  • Briefly describe the event/program for which you are requesting this grant. Include the sponsoring organization (school, agency, organization, etc) and a summary of the topic to be addressed.
  • List sources and amounts of funding to cover your costs Church/employer Personal Grant Other
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