Tending Transformation Campaign
Central District Conference remains committed to our Mission of promoting Christ-like communities of hospitality, calling and nurturing Anabaptist leadership, and supporting missional partnerships.
Charitable Giving (brochure explaining various ways to give to CDC)
Please consider making a donation to support the ongoing mission of Central District Conference. To give money to Central District online through PayPal or credit card, please click on the “Donate” button below. You do not need to have a PayPal account to donate through PayPal.
To donate by personal check, make checks payable to Central District Conference and send to Central District Conference, PO Box 1199, Goshen, IN 46527-1199.
Central District Conference has set up a brokerage account with ProEquities through Everence that will allow donors to give appreciated securities like stocks or mutual fund shares to Central District Conference. If you would like use this way of donating to CDC, please call the conference office for the DT number and our account number.
Thank you for your support of the ministries of Central District Conference!