
You are invited to bring a musical instrument and participate in a “spontaneous worship band” during our worship services. A brief rehearsal will take place prior to worship. If you would like to participate, please indicate the instrument you will bring on the registration form.
Worship: Thursday, June 20 at 7:30p Eastern Time.
- Theme: Holy Wisdom on the Way
- Text: Proverbs 4:1-13
- Speaker: Carol Penner
- Offering for LaPosada Immigrant Aid
Plenary: Friday, June 21, 1:35p
- Theme: Wisdom as Serpent and Dove
- Texts: Psalm 51:1-12; Matthew 10:16
- Speaker: Carol Penner
Worship: Saturday, June 22, 8:30a Eastern Time
- Theme: The Word of the Wise
- Texts: John 1:1-14; Proverbs 3:19-20 & 8:1
- Speaker: Trey Ferguson
- Offering for Central District Conference
- Communion
Carol Penner teaches practical theology at Conrad Grebel University College in Waterloo, Ontario. She was a pastor for many years and a freelance writer. She has a blog of worship resources (leadinginworship.com), and recently released a Lent devotional through Herald Press, titled Unburdened: A Lenten Journey Toward Forgiveness. Her research focuses on violence and abuse in the church, and how to address it. She co-edited a recent volume of essays on that topic, Resistance: Confronting Violence, Power and Abuse in Peace Churches (Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2022). She is a member of The First Mennonite Church in Vineland, Ontario, where she lives with her husband in a house surrounded by apricot trees.

Trey Ferguson is a minister, writer, and speaker hailing from South Florida, where he lives with his wife and three children. Though he serves as the Executive Pastor of the Refuge Church in Homestead, FL, he is also in the CDC credentialing process as a pastor of an emerging community of faith called The Intention Church, a digital community of believers forged in the Black church and anabaptist traditions, committed to pursuing discipleship through the narrow, life-giving way of Jesus. He obtained his Master of Divinity from the Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union University. Trey is also the author of Theologizin’ Bigger: Homilies on Living Freely and Loving Wholly. His thoughts on faith in an evolving world can be found on the Three Black Men: Theology, Culture, and the World around Us and New Living Treyslation podcasts, and in The Son Do Move newsletter. Learn more at pastortrey05.com.