CDC Board members have had fun identifying and sharing wise sayings from their own lives since we chose this theme to guide our work last August and would like to invite you and your congregations to tap your own sources of wisdom. We are inviting CDC congregations to embark on a “Let Wisdom Abound Project” from now until our Annual Meeting in June 2025.
CDC Board members have had fun identifying and sharing wise sayings from their own lives since we chose this theme to guide our work last August and would like to invite you and your congregations to tap your own sources of wisdom.
Some of you might remember the Twelve Scriptures Project implemented by MCUSA in 2011 when members from congregations identified twelve deeply influential scriptures.
The CDC Board wondered if a similar project could be done using the theme of wisdom. Over the last few months each of our board members was invited to identify seven wise words or sayings they have found meaningful in their lives. The resulting list was rich and included scripture as well as other proverbs, ideas, or images that communicated wisdom.
Now we are inviting CDC congregations to embark on a “Let Wisdom Abound Project” from now until our Annual Meeting in June 2025. Here are some ways this could work in your congregation.
- Invite everyone in the congregation to identify and write down seven wise sayings that have been influential or meaningful to them in their lives. (It could be only 1, 3 or 5.) These wise words could come from scripture as well as from parents, teachers, pastors, writers, creation, etc.
- Have a small team, task group, or leadership committee collect, review, and compile them and decide on ways to share these with your congregation and CDC.
- You might share the whole list with the congregation, create a slide show of the responses and share them before, during, or after worship. An adult Sunday school class could be a good way for these to be discussed and shared. Celebrate a Wisdom Week or host an intergenerational Wisdom Night where the wisdom of the ages is shared in verse and song. There is a Wisdom section in Voices Together (196-204). Incorporate them into the suggested Four Week Wisdom Worship Series that CDC has created. Create your own worship series using the submitted wisdom sayings. People could read them throughout the services. They could be posted around the sanctuary. Be creative, for Wisdom herself was present with God at the creation of the world. (Proverbs 8:22-31)
- Watch the Connector and Weekly Announcements for information on where and when to submit your congregation’s sayings so they can be shared at the 2025 Annual Meeting